Source Code


Any thing on the internet that's either funny cringy or something in a way that someone takes it and makes it into something else. When it gets seen and many other people make something out of it, it comes a meme.

You: Im going make a meme.
Friend: No you wont!
You: but this clip is so cringy it will be seen really quick!
Friend: like thats going happen.

by Know Your Memes November 24, 2018

29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


420 is 42 the meaning of life some say but a 0 added to the end the 0 is post to show weed. 420 can be used to like smoke weed or something

You: im going to have some 420

by Know Your Memes November 24, 2018

93πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is a Dictionary on the internet that any person in the world just has to connect to gmail or facebook and can make a definition for something. After they do that you can take a test to read other peoples definitions and click let in keep out or i dont know. But other people can vote yours keep out so ya

You: Im going use Urban Dictionary a source on the internet where i can make definitions for words!

by Know Your Memes November 24, 2018

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

aa aaa aaaa

A vine on the internet that was turned into a meme

You: have you heard of that vine on the internet?
Friend: the one turned into a meme?
You: Ya.
Friend: Yes.
You: aa aaa aaaa

by Know Your Memes November 24, 2018

34πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Dat Boi

A meme on the internet thats a green frog thats on a unicycle. It was made into a song. It was first made in a math book by a teacher.

You: Here come dat boi

Friend: oh shit whatup

by Know Your Memes November 24, 2018

26πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Rappin' for Jesus

this 2013 video was created on January 15. It shows what looks like a 90's video from a vs tape but theres a whole different story behind it. this video was supposedly made from brain spinney when he was in highschool. But thats just what they want you to believe in this viral meme. this video has a website link to a church. it said it has closed in 2004 but the site was made in 2013. the video uses a stock photo from 2012. theres no church by the name of what it says. on whitelist nobody is named the actors that were in the video. this was a planned viral hit.

anyways jesus christ is my n-

Rappin' for Jesus: am i real
person: no

by Know Your Memes December 5, 2019

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Browse is to search the internet for anything or links and stuff were you're just looking at stuff.

You: I'm going to browse my wife's search history!
You: I've seen to much...

by Know Your Memes November 25, 2018

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž