A Serbian dictator. He is responsible for the demise of the Balkans during the late 1980s and early to late 1990s. His "leadership" killed an estimated 200,000 people. Some Serbian revisionist kooks (like the fool above) call him a liberator and freedom fighter but we all know that he was neither of those two. Then again there are Nazi revisionists too...The tyrant is dead now and will never come back. But the false Cetnik beleif system still lives, especially in the pool of filth "Srpska Republika". Perhaps another bombing or embargo will remind Serbs that the Cetnik way is the wrong way...
Slobodan Milosevic WAS (he's finally dead now) a mentally ill sociopath.
Hej Srbi! Tito vam je dao Kosovo i Slobodan vam je oduzeo ga! Budi te zahvalni.
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