A Topping "Extra Extra" on Expression added to conversation or writing about something you do or made or about someone elses actions, and may be chained further i.e. GrestestBestestMostest (Also a form of playful one upping eachother back & forth )
" I made the MostestBestest sandwich ever!"
Person¹: I like you
Person²: I like you MostestBestest
Person¹: I like you Greatest MostestBestest
(Stuck on Stagnation or Stuck on Stupid Disorder.)
A prevalent spectrum level disorder involving voids or blindness areas in depth preception of awareness & comprehension usually combined with lack of ability recognize or take meaningful action in themselves & others.
Those who suffer SOS Disorder display behaviors of confirmation bias & self fulfilling prophecies often believing others have dysfunctions & disorders as if they dont themselves while holding self diluted proofs of indifferent comforts or superficial & materialistic obtainments.
Person1: Something is wrong with so and so...they have SOS Disorder...they are not working with a full deck.
Person2: why don't you talk about everything missing from your deck Person1 ?