Source Code


Big diddle

“Ere Bub you know I got a big budoo aye”

by Koori November 18, 2021

6👍 1👎


Aboriginal slang for Penis

“And he got big budoo”
“Ere bub you know I got a big budoo”
“ you got a huge budoo aye tiddah”

by Koori November 18, 2021

11👍 2👎

redneck sprinkling

Spitting from between your teeth basically.
Using the tongue, spit is forced usually between the gap of the two front teeth.
Sometimes confused with "gleeking."

You're getting spit all over my paper, stop that redneck sprinkling! D:

by Koori April 4, 2007

55👍 23👎

mexican food

It's almost always...
...A tortilla with meat, cheese and lettuce.
No, seriously.
What is a taco? A tortilla with meat, cheese and lettuce.
What is a burrtio? A tortilla with meat, cheese and lettuce.
What is a fajita? A tortilla with meat, cheese and lettuce.
What are nachos? Little tortillas with meat, cheese and lettuce.

But seriously. Mexican food is food from Mexico.
And it's good.

Let's go get some Mexican food! I could really go for a tortilla wrapped around some meat, cheese and lettuce.

by Koori January 1, 2007

594👍 175👎

long cat

/b/ meme.
One day, there was a picture of a cat. It was not Caturday but this specific cat was so long it became a meme and, though the day was not specifically the day of cats, this cat's length became famous.

Many new lusers speculate that this cat is not lengthy, but it is in fact long.

Long cat is looooooooooooooooooong.

by Koori September 22, 2006

358👍 124👎