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A "Prep" is not someone who attends a "Prep School" or is Rich and lives in a Rich Neighborhood. A Prep is someone, from any background adn any age, who conforms to the largest majority. Preps are usually very ignorant of anything that seems to have the slightest difference from anything that has to do with them. Preps will insult or possibly even attack anything/one that is different. These creatures tend to not be very intelegent, and usually do things because others do it, tell them to do it, or it will make them popular.

Most preps wear clothes from such stores as Ambercombie, Hollister, Aeropostle, etc. But this is not always the case. You don't have to be a Blonde Slut at School to be a Prep. No! Infact, Preps sometimes wear disguises to infilitate minorities. Some Emo Kids can be Preps, as so can Jocks, Gangsters and Skaters.

If you act preppy you are most likley indeed a prep. It doesn't always matter what you wear or how you look. Most Preps are Preps from within. Prep Characteristics include Arrogent, Ignorant attitudes that usually outcast people/things that are different. Preps don't care about you unless you kiss their ass. And Preps usually enjoy being crule to people.

Prep: Oh my God, like, look at that Goth kid over there! He's so different, let's go make fun of him!

Prep Crew: Hey goth kid! You look stupid!

Goth: *Stabs preps violently*
Prep Scum...

Prep: Oh my God, I got blood all over my Hollister T shirt! I can't have that! I'll look different!

by Kopoka July 11, 2008

3👍 8👎


A five pointed inner-connecting star inside of a circle. It is by almost every Religion to resemble something different. Here are some of the basic ones.

Wicca-Wiccans use the Pentacle to represent the 5 Wiccan Elements, Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, and Spirit.

Christianity-Christians wear the Pentacle as a representation of the 5 wounds of Jesus. The 5 wounds were inflicted to Jesus during his Crussifiction. Pentacles in Christian beleifs are used to make Demons run away, or protect the wearer from Satan.

Peganism-Pegans use the Pentacle depending on which Pegan God(s) they worship.

Guy 1:Hey dude, why are you wearing a Pentagram?
Guy2: I'm not, this is a Pentacle, the exact opposite.

by Kopoka December 28, 2007

54👍 23👎


First of all, there are several kinds of Goths.

1)Traditional goths: Usually displayed by main charicters in fiction books or movies, Such as Van Helsing or V for Vendetta. "Traditional" goths are bold, creative, and very intelegent people. They usually dress in all black and white. Most Traditional Goths do not wear all the spiky studded stuff. Usually just long dark clothes made of Leather or Velvet. They are usually on the brighter side of life and expect the unexpected. They simply choose this life style because it is different from the majority. Traditional Goths will listen to all kinds of music, but favor and find the beauty in Classical, Opera, and Instrumental music. They appretiate great art, drama, music, or anything else that has a sense of "elegence" to it. They have a strong sense of symbolism, and often wear lots of necklaces or rings. Traditional Goths enjoy being around just about anyone as long as the people they are with arn't to immature. Most Traditional Goths are of Christian Faith, though can be of any religion.

2)Modern Goths: Modern Goths are much like Traditional Goths, but more "modern" as the name may suggest. They are bold, creative, and intelegent. Displaying many of the traits of a Traditional Goth. But they wear the kinds of clothes you might find at Spencers, Hot topic, or your local Renassance fair. Modern Goths listen to most kinds of music, but will perfer more Hardcore music or Metal. They like the feeling of being "Heavy" and "Extreme" while at the same time not breaking the law or anything. They are rebelious and will do everything in their power from becoming a conformist. Most of them enjoy the Fine Arts, but in a different light from Traditional goths. Modern Goths love to be with freinds, and in large groups just hanging out.

3) Punk Goths: Punk Goths are not at all like any other kinds of Goths. Punk Goths wear the kind of spiky, studded, covered in black clothes a Modern Goth might wear, but similarities end there. Punk Goths are as the name suggests. Punks. They are usually nice people but they do enjoy breaking the rules most of the time. They listen to usually nothing less hardcore then Trash Metal and don't have as great respect for the fine arts as other Goths do.
They simply enjoy looking and acting tougher then the average joe.

4)Emo Goths: Now, I know alot of you people out there think Emo's are horrible posers that wish they were the opposite sex, slit their wrists, and want all the attention in the world. Emo Goths are alot different.
Emo Goths are usually from families that don't function well. For example, one of their parents may be an alchoholic or a stoner. Perhapes the death of a dear friend of relative, or maybe just feeling alone. Emo Goths wear pretty much nothing but black, sometimes with studs. Usually wearing Black skater brand T shirts or Band T shirts with black or blue jeans. Emo Goths have great respect for the fine arts, and usually listen to Punk Rock, Altrernative, or metal. Some Emo Goths do harm themselves, some see it as a distraction or a temperary escape from the stress they may be under. Emo Goths do not HAVE to be under stress to be an Emo Goth, but stress is what may lead to it. Emo Goths are usually creative in their own ways, and like to be alone maybe with a small group of friends. They hate crowded rooms and being with large mobs of people.

5)Black Goths: Black Goths are usually good people, but some may call them "Evil". Most Black goths are Wiccans, Satanists, or of other "Unusual" Religions. They beleive in magic and curses. Most Black Goths are nice people, someone you can have a normal conversation with. Some of them are a bit like punk Goths, like breaking the rules. The personality of a Black Goth really depends on their Religion. Not all "Satanic" Black Goths are the kind of people that want everyone to die though, some of them are as normal as you are. Black Goths enjoy being with people much like themselves, and enjoy all kinds of music. Usually Classical, Traditional, or "Black Metal". Black Goths may wear long black robes or Jackets. Sometimes wearing normal clothes.

So as you can see there are many times of Goths as there are many types of people. Do not misjudge them simply because they look "Demonic" or like something out of a horror movie. Get to know one first. All Goths display individuality proudly. Which is what makes them a Goth. Not all Goths have to wear black or studded Leather. "Goth" is more of a personality then it is a style.

Look at that guy! He looks like a Traditional Goth.

by Kopoka December 27, 2007

12👍 30👎