1. A pair of shorts with a flap on the front resembles a kilt, skilt,or skirt, also known as a skort.
2. A skort made specifically for boys/men.
A Skolt is simply a skort made specifically for boys and men, also could become part of a romper specifically made for boys and men.
has friends of a different races but won't date nor marry them.
A white person has black friends but won't date nor marry them. That is Half-racist/Half-Racism
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1. A Sness is basically a boy's dress with a Skilt or Skirt bottom. (New word I invented). However a Boy's Sness is separated at the belt line(where one wears a belt at.), while a girl's dress is separated at the bottom of the bust line or at the waist line(above the belly button).
2. A boy's skirted/skilled dress.
The etymology of sness is a combination of son and dress using the "ess" and the first and last letter of "son", however the word dress uses the first and last letter of daughter in combination with "ess", that's how I came up with the word Sness, a skirted/skilted dress for boys and men.
A half-racist is a person of one race being only friends with another race but would never date nor marry the other said race. read below.
For example: a half-racist is this: a white person being only friends with blacks but would never date nor marry a black person and the vice versa goes as well with all races and ethnicities
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A half-racist is a person of one race being only friends with another race but would never date nor marry the other said race. read below.
For example: a half-racist is this: a white person being only friends with blacks but would never date nor marry a black person and the vice versa goes as well with all races and ethnicities
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