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At first they seem to be very quite, but when they do talk they shed insight. You immediately know your dealing with someone who poses a great deal of intelligence. has his group he hangs with but seems to not really care for them, as he often times is preoccupied with his girl friend. plays sports has a chill demeanor and overall a really nice guy. you never really get to know him though although you've been friends with him for years. that's because his very quite and revered individual it doesn't bother you as become friends with him you learn to respect that that's just the way he is.

Person 1) i known Matt for years it still feels like I don't know him

Person 2) yea his a revered man still chill dude to be friends with

by Krayons 213 April 27, 2023


A cool dude, his very athletic and smart. He can be a good friend but sometimes he can be a jerk. Likes to hang out with his relatives, he isn't all that popular. Acts crazy sometimes, but all in all a good dude to be friends with.

Person 1) Hey look there's Ryan his a nice dude sometimes.
Person 2) yea sometimes other times a complete jerk.

by Krayons 213 May 10, 2023


A woman who is very nice and friendly, guys love her. She is intelligent and has an amazing personality, she defends her friends and will not let anyone talk bad about them. She is beautiful and may cause people to become jealous of of her but she still is always nice and kind to everyone.

Wow look it’s Monica I wish I was her friend

by Krayons 213 April 26, 2023


someone with a strong work ethic, Loves woman and treats them with respect, is nervous and shy to talk with them, but when he does the girls usually befriend him. does not have a girlfriend really wishes he did. asks girls out but seems to always get rejected. is as tough as nails and doesn't seem to let things bother him except when a girl breaks up with him. even if she isn't his girlfriend he will still be very sad that he lost her as a friend. Most of the time he is in a good mood and has a up beat personality loves to have conversations with people and at times can come off as intelligent. he is savvy. when in a competition with him be prepared because he hates to lose and tries his best to succeed in life. doesn't really have any friends yet seems to get along with everyone.

Person 1) man Adam is amazing his always knows the right thing to say

Preson2) yea its kind of annoying

Adam) I wish I had a girlfriend.

by Krayons 213 April 26, 2023


a man who is strong in stature but is misunderstood he is probably one of the most chilliest people you can meet but is often mistake as just being a jock. he has a great personality and although is good at sports has other priorities in life a gentle giant who sticks up for his friends and will always be there for you if he considers you a friend even if your not best friends still doesn't mind hanging out with you and kicking it a real chill dude.

Person 1) man I never knew Neal was such a cool dude.

Person 2) yea his bigger than everyone but in actuality probably one of the coolest dudes

by Krayons 213 April 27, 2023


Someone who is too energetic, comes off as annoying. you want to tell him to settle down with all his remarks and high sprung energy but then you realize that this is just the type of person he is. needless to say doesn't have a lot of friends just a small group of people who he hangs out with. probably one of the most energetic smart asses you'll ever meet in your life has no chill and seems to be always talking about something that no one cares about. people tend to try to avoid him just because its so hard to keep up with his energy.

Rob) so you know today this happened and than I was like no way and then this happened and I was like what double no way

Person 1) (in my head) please shut up please shut up please shut up.

by Krayons 213 April 26, 2023