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2 men penetrating a woman from both sides at the same time, vaginally and anally.

Peter and John sandwiched Mary.

by Krazy Kraut January 18, 2004

421πŸ‘ 335πŸ‘Ž


German for any tea biscuit or cookie. Though "Keks" was originally intended to be a plural form of "Kek", it has become a singular form (proper plural is now "Kekse").
Invented by biscuit-manufacturer Bahlsen when he first introduced his Leibnitz biscuits around 1900. When people couldn't pronounce the english word "cakes", Bahlsen made up "Keks".

Cookie Monster: "KEKSE! KEKSE!"

by Krazy Kraut January 18, 2004

306πŸ‘ 347πŸ‘Ž


German. Singular form of "Keks" - not used or even known of by most speakers.

Potzblitz, ein feiner Leibnitz-Kek!

by Krazy Kraut January 18, 2004

20πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž


German. An expression without any meaning which is included in everyday conversations to see how the other person reacts. First used in the "titanic" magazine and adapted by readers.

Ja, stimmt - aber auch schnuck, oder?
(Yes, right - but also schnuck, isn't it?)

by Krazy Kraut January 18, 2004

21πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Translates into "subhuman"

Das judeobolschewistische Untermenschentum steht vor der Tür und bittet um Einlass, mein Führer. Was darf ich ausrichten?

by Krazy Kraut January 18, 2004

193πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


German: A flash of lightning. Used to illustrate extremely high speed.

"The führer gave orders to start a blitzkrieg." (krieg=war)

by Krazy Kraut January 18, 2004

121πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


An administrator of a computer system, an online forum etc.

Stop it or I'll email the admin!

by Krazy Kraut January 18, 2004

164πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž