Republican Senator from New Hampshire who served from 2016-Current. (as of 2023) He is highly suspected to run for president in the 2024 elections. For a Republican, he is extremely moderate. He is for low taxes and low government spending, but also one of the few Republicans in all of the American government who supports LGBT rights (based) and is pro-choice. (to an extent, he's against late term abortion outside of extreme cases) He's against bigotry in all forms and has openly spoken out about the rise of racist idealolgy in his own party. He is the perfect candidate to stand against the insanity, extremism, bigotry, and hatred of Ron DeSantis and NEEDS to win 2024 or all is lost. Chris Sununu will save the Republican party from facism! He will lower taxes and ensure rights for LGBT Americans! He will ensure widespread acess to birth control and safe early term abortion! He will stop censorship in the media and in schools! Vote Sununu! Stand with Sununu! VOTE SUNUNU!!!
"Chris Sununu is the last line of defense before all hell breaks loose in the Republican party. If he loses and DeSantis wins, America will become a facist hellhole and the second hallocaust will commence..."
A poll done every year by Nintendo in late January to determine the most popular fire emblem characters. The top 2 male and female characters placed get special alts in the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes and then are removed from the poll for future years. The poll tends to get very competitive in the FE community due to the developer often using the poll results to determine which characters should be added next to the mobile game or receive an alt.
"Choose Your Legends is the largest event of the year for Fire Emblem fans. I hope Tiki wins this one!"
Has multiple meanings:
-Short for "Thank God"
-And the less known meaning, shorthand for the fetish known as "transformation of gender" which is most commonly seen on sites like DeviantArt and FurAffinity. Discovering TG art or fiction is usually the first step in someone realizing that they are transgender.
Guy 1: Man, that TG fetish sure is weird.
Guy 2: No way, TG art is totally the shiz.
Guy 1: Bro you trans?
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Aionian profanity from the video game "Xenoblade Chronicles 3." Equivalent to the word "fucker" in our language. This word exists in their world because "mud rank" is the lowest social class a person can be in.
"That sparkling mudder is going to get what's coming to them!"
Aionian profanity from the video game "Xenoblade Chronicles 3." Approximately translates to "fucker."
"The sparking mudder is going to get what's coming to them!"
The literal antichrist who will bring forth the end of all things. Pure evil, he wants to purge all the gays, the transes, immigrants, poc, and others from Florida and eventually the entire country, maybe even the world. The most evil politician to ever exist and the second coming of Hitler, he makes Trump look like Barrack Obama.
"Ron DeSantis is a facist and will literally cause the second hallocaust if he is elected into office. If he wins, I'm fleeing to Malta."
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The definition of a classic era 4chan user. Trollish sarcastic memelord not afraid to use dark humor but is actually woke and based and not some cringe Alt-Right edgelord you see all the time on there nowadays.
"Apandah is the perfect specimen, an actually good 4chan user from the Lost Age before the dreaded Reddit Invasion of 2017."
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