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I Got that shit on clipse

adj- to get something for cheap or way under price named for the Clipse mixtape series I Got It For Cheap!

DudeA: Damn them Dub zeros is cruical who much were they, $140?
DudeB: Naw man I got that shit on clipse! My friend mike boosted a bunch of them from Champs an they only $65 from him.
DudeA:$65 What that dude's number!!
DudeB:Can't tell you man.
DudeA:Thats find im With the BBB Better Buisness Burea and your ass is grass.

by Kristopher Washington March 25, 2007

22👍 9👎

Take that shit to AIM

a phrase that is used:

when two people in a forum or chat room get to lovey dovey and you are tired of seeing the affectionate displays

basically-get a room you two but for the Internet

Narcotics: hey bollocks how are you behbeh
Bollocks: fine sweetie how it goes

Me: Take that shit to AIM

by Kristopher Washington July 22, 2007


Porn you watch

ususally watch when going through a dry spell

derived from blue balls

Dude i haven't got laid in months, I'm going to check out a bluey

by Kristopher Washington April 22, 2007

16👍 16👎