The term used to describe the fan community(usually of the older group, males and females) of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
The term was coined on 4chan's /co/ board.
It is the plural form of 'Brony'
Brony A: "Dude, just finished watching the first season from MLP:FiM!"
Brony B: "Cool! So who do you think is the best pony?"
Brony A mentions the pony they think is best.
Brony B Agrees and exclaims: "Brohoof!"
The bronies brohoof, similar to a high five.
2768👍 1523👎
The term used to describe a fan(usually of the older kind, male or female) of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
It is the combination of the words 'bro' and 'pony'
Although 'bro' may refer to males, the term 'brony' is gender-neutral, and thus it may be applied to the male and female fans of the show.
"Brony" is the singular form of "Bronies"
The term was coined on 4chan's /co/ board.
Brony A: "Dude, just finished watching the first season of MLP:FiM!"
Brony B: "Cool! So who do you think is the best pony?"
Brony A mentions the pony they think is best.
Brony B Agrees and exclaims: "Brohoof!"
The bronies then brohoof, similar to a high five.
1305👍 926👎