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9/11 inside job?

I have read many reports on 9/11 and seen many documentaries. Yet, I still continue to ask everyone why if the government claims to have nothing to hide, they continue to ignore many important questions and lie about what happened. Perhaps the only thing worse than the lies the American people are exposed to by news reports are the stupid people who believe them.

I have noticed that most people can not accept the fact that 9/11 was an inside job. So for those of you that can not accept this, I have some questions I would like you to answer for me.

1) Why when they discovered that there were hijacked aircraft, they did not command defense to deploy and take them down immediately?

2) If they are making it seem like it is very important to capture Bin Laden, why have they not done it yet? They have had plenty of chances to do this.

3) How did flames bring down THREE steal framed buildings?

4) Why if the government has nothing to hide, they are keeping a lot of the ‘evidence’ they have from public?

5) Why have government officials destroyed evidence of 9/11?

If you don’t believe that 9/11 was an inside job, then you were not able to answer any of the questions listed above. But, I can answer every one of those questions with logical answers.

1) There is proof that 9/11 was an inside job, nothing was done to stop it, and nothing was done to warn the people of America. If a few very simple steps were taken, the death toll would have been much smaller. Our leaders had every intention of allowing 9/11 to occur, they needed it to be interesting, so they did not deploy anyone until AFTER this occurred.

2) They have not captured Bin Laden yet because he is there to blame everything on. If they capture him, there will be no one left to blame the tragedies on. If they would take the time to capture him, they could find out who the true terrorists are. For all they know, they could be living in the United States sleeping safely at night and returning to unspeakable power by day.

3) Flames did not take down these buildings. They were imploded. Honestly, do you think that fire could bring down three steal framed building when steal takes a temperature of 2,500-3,000 degrees to melt? Why did the NYPD fire department report secondary explosives going off inside of the towers shortly before their collapse? If they were supposedly taken down by fire, how could an impact over 70 floors up destroy the lobby and basement? All of the eye witness reports were claimed that the damage sustained appeared to be very consistent with a high explosive blast rather than a raging fire ball? You can put the pieces together; those towers were brought down by high explosives and all the facts point to it.

4) This answer is very simple. They don’t want us to know what really happened, so they are keeping it to their selves and not using it to help them find out who the real terrorists are.

5) They do not want anyone to find certain evidence. So after they find it, they destroy it so that no one can find out. They are trying to keep the truth from the American people. If the public found out about this evidence, then the government would have to take action and find the real terrorists.

The sad part about all of this is, is that we don’t even know what our parents are fighting for. They die, but what did they die for? Freedom? Or pointless mayhem? I say that all troops should be brought home and that we should leave the middle-east so that we are not inflicting the idea that we want to fight a malicious mischief.

I hope that to who ever did not think this was an inside job realizes that it was. We would not be in the position that we are in now if the government had taken evasive action when they made their first strike.

9/11 inside job? yes, all the facts point to it

by Krystem October 14, 2006

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