Source Code

Broughton's Rules

Together with Marquis of Queensberry rules Governing Contests for Endurance the founding set of boxing rules

Jack Broughton's Boxing Rules (1743)

1)That a square of a yard be chalked in the middle of the stage, and on every fresh set-to after a fall, or being parted from the rails, each Second is to bring his Man to the side of the square, and place him opposite to the other, and till they are fairly set-to at the Lines, it shall not be lawful for one to strike at the other.

2) That, in order to prevent any Disputes, the time a Man lies after a fall, if the Second does not bring his Man to the side of the square, within the space of half a minute, he shall be deemed a beaten Man.

3) That in every main Battle, no person whatever shall be upon the Stage, except the Principals and their Seconds, the same rule to be observed in bye-battles, except that in the latter, Mr. Broughton is allowed to be upon the Stage to keep decorum, and to assist Gentlemen in getting to their places, provided always he does not interfere in the Battle; and whoever pretends to infringe these Rules to be turned immediately out of the house. Every body is to quit the Stage as soon as the Champions are stripped, before the set-to.

4) That no Champion be deemed beaten, unless he fails coming up to the line in the limited time, or that his own Second declares him beaten. No Second is to be allowed to ask his man's Adversary any questions, or advise him to give out.

5) That in bye-battles, the winning man to have two-thirds of the Money given, which shall be publicly divided upon the Stage, notwithstanding any private agreements to the contrary.

6) That to prevent Disputes, in every main Battle the Principals shall, on coming on the Stage, choose from among the gentlemen present two Umpires, who shall absolutely decide all Disputes that may arise about the Battle; and if the two Umpires cannot agree, the said Umpires to choose a third, who is to determine it.

7) That no person is to hit his Adversary when he is down, or seize him by the ham, the breeches, or any part below the waist a man on his knees to be reckoned down.

by KuNg-fu jeSUS June 14, 2004

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


(n.) a social gathering, where many people will take thier families along to eat pre-cooked food outdoors

(v.) to participate in a picnic as defined above.

Apparantly, the source of the word picnic is "pick a nigger", where after eating, sack-races and incestous activity, the redneck community of the southern United States would randomly pick an enslaved black person to abuse and lynch.

by KuNg-fu jeSUS April 28, 2004

54πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

petit morte

"Little death"

Français for orgasm

let's die a little with multiple petit mortes

by KuNg-fu jeSUS July 31, 2004

43πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

religious persuasion

(n.) Ones' religion, that one was persuaded into belief of by man or miracle. Usually refering to the denomination as opposed to the actual religion.

I am a Christian, of the catholic persuasion, and will defend my beliefs against anyone who challenges them, unless thier misinterpretation is so great, that they should simply DIE, which rules out most people who talk about contradictions in the bible and other claptrap.

by KuNg-fu jeSUS May 9, 2004

5πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

introduced to a brick wall at high speed

(v.) To drive into a brick wall, usually implying death.

Nambla members, psycho bitch, eliturk and denida shoul all be introduced to a brick wall at high speed

by KuNg-fu jeSUS May 7, 2004

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Time magazine

A long-standing and well known magazine. It has a "man of the year", which has in the past been won by Queen Elizabeth II, simply for coming to the throne and making a few speeches, and Adolf Hitler.

I was Time's man of the year!

So was Hitler...

Not twice he wasn't!

--From some movie

by KuNg-fu jeSUS April 28, 2004

65πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Bring out your dead

After pwnage, this phrase is one that may be uttered, to avoid clichés such as all your base and pwn3d

Bring out your dead, bring out your dead! I just shat on you!

by KuNg-fu jeSUS May 14, 2004

8πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž