(n.) the main problem in your life that rears its' ugly head every so often. Quite likely a poor relation that busts into your office and starts frenching a secretary to a fellow member of the board. Those poor bastards.
The wrecking ball of my life.....Well, I don't have any poor relations...
5π 8π
Ford's faggoty 2003 European luanched bitch bucket. Driven only by hairy leg lesbo feminists and cock-smokers.
I wish to go to the place where the streetka is made and personally shit down onto each one, because every owner of one is a prick. It is also very ugly.
3π 9π
(n.) In a high-profile case, the media's implication of the guilt of a suspect can greatly affect the outcome. While not fair, this is largely unavoidable, especially when large industries are put on trial for high-school shootings, or a Catholic priest is tried for any sexual crime. Regardless of the "innocent until proven guilty" law in most countries (If not all), the free media's decision to encourage the sheep and liberals will force the decision one way or another.
Type "soham" into google to see how the british tabloids misrepresentation of the facts and one-sided approach led to a kangaroo court.
10π 5π
A king who has been accused of Treason.
King Charles II of the UK was a fugitive in his own kingdom.
14π 4π
To open old wounds is to rekindle an arguement put on the side.
When John met his estranged ex-wife she opened old wounds about his impotency.
8π 7π
The old way of saying straight to dvd.
Anyone who still says this is usually made fun of for being stuck in 1997, or whatever year it was dvd players came out.
7π 40π