Source Code


(n.) Someone from southern or eastern asia according to a now obsolete racial classification. The name is given, probably as a result of genghis khan's mongol empire, which saw mongols breed with the natives of most asian races/tribes. The key factors in deciding whether a skull is mongoloid or not lie in the eyes and nose.

Most Chinese, Japanese and Koreans were once called 'mongoloid'.


by Kung-fu JeSuS September 7, 2004

1236πŸ‘ 959πŸ‘Ž

Die with my ones' boots on.

(v.) To make one last stand with everything you've got, so that there is no "if" scenarios.

If I'm gonna die, then I'll die with my boots on.

by Kung-fu JeSuS May 10, 2004

40πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


(v.) To use one's vocal chords to make musical tones.

What most tv talent show contestants cannot do very well.

You're a lousy singer.

by Kung-fu JeSuS May 12, 2004

379πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž

fire at will

Coming from the authority directly above you in the chain of command, this simply allows the individual to choose his/her rate of fire and prefered style, whether open or snipe etc.

OK company, they've cleared, reload and fire at will.

by Kung-fu JeSuS April 15, 2004

460πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


a) the remnants of an explosion.
b) Sharp metal contained in an expendable shell, released via explosion to inflict damage mainly to humans. See Anti-personel
c) Loose change of little value

I've been shrapnel'D

A:Got any money?
B:Just shrapnel.

by Kung-fu JeSuS April 30, 2004

119πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Not my cup of tea

(Idiom) This will appeal to a formidable audience, but not me.

1: What do you think of feminazi rallies?

2: Not my cup of tea

2's mind: Iron my shirt bitch

by Kung-fu JeSuS May 10, 2004

149πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


(n.) One who opposes the norm and does so very well.

(v.) to vercingetorix, to oppose a great power.

Vercingetorix was a Gaulish (french) leader who took on the Roman Empire and held out for a while, until Caeser surrounded him and built a doughnut shaped fortress around him.

by Kung-fu JeSuS April 30, 2004

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž