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A young-looking female character. They have a small stature, a young-looking face, and small breasts. Their age can go from a children to an adult, their behaviour from childish to adult-like, and their maturity from immature to mature. Contrary to the popular belief their bodies keep getting old even if they all look the same.

Guy 1: "I like this loli."
Guy 2: "Dude, that's a child."
Guy 1: "No, this is an adult."
Guy 2: "But they have a child's body."
Guy 1: "A person stops being a child when they turn 13."
Guy 2: "..."

by Kurogami December 19, 2022


Lolibabas are anime characters who look like little girls, but are very old, act like older women, and have the mental maturity of older women.

Some good examples would be "Senko" from "The Helpful Fox Senko-san", "Shuten Douji" from "Fate/Grand Order", and "Shiroyasha" from "Problem Children Are Coming from Another World, Are They?".

Not to be confused with "Immortal Lolis" like "Kanna Kamui" from "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid", who is be very old but still act like a child and have the mental maturity of one.

Unlike a regular loli, a lolibaba is perfectly legal.
Lolibabas are the perfect mix between a youthful appearance and a mature personality!

by Kurogami January 15, 2023

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