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(Noun) A rich or famous person who thinks expressing their political opinion is the single most important thing.

I liked George Clooney before he became a gun control Kaepernick.

by KyContessa September 10, 2016

43👍 14👎


A friend who has your back while your spouse is deployed. Someone who helps you get through this difficult time and who is a person that you can count on, no matter what.

A deploymate is your neighbor, sister, or brother who is your source of support during the deployment of a loved one.

by KyContessa July 19, 2011


When a Yankee explains something to a Southerner in a condescending and smug manner, such as telling Kentuckians they are “getting soft”, when schools close due to single digit temperatures.

Kentucky governor Matt Bevin, who grew up in New Hampshire, just yankeesplained that Kentuckians are getting too soft because schools have been closed for single digit temperatures.

by KyContessa February 1, 2019


A member of the Democrat party in the U.S., who try to force their idiotic and unrealistic policies on the masses by telling lies and misleading people. This is usually accomplished through the use of mainstream media, government agencies, and press conferences, but emails have also been used. The emails always get erased due to computer malfunctions.

Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Lois Lerner are Fiberals, because when their lips are moving, they are fibbing..

by KyContessa July 3, 2014

6👍 3👎