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college girls

Same thing as high school girls but with bigger tits and legal. But still bitchy, cause drama, are sluts, anorexics, party, blah blah blah

College girls are not much different than high school girls. Most of them are 18 or 19.

by Kyle 230 May 5, 2010

255πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

internet tv

A new form of television that is way better and way more up to date than standard television. Instead of paying $100 for a cable package for nothing that is worth watching, try paying 49.99 a month for some high speed local broadband and you will get worth the money. Probably will replace standard cable and will be part of our TV's. You will get any show out there...you can watch Beavis and Butthead at 2 in the morning. Most of it's free and you don't have to pay premium service for quality porn.

I am watching Spongebob at 4 am with my new awesome internet TV.

by Kyle 230 February 10, 2010

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

bonnet movie

These sappy romance movies that usually involved some romantic affair with some half faggy looking guy with an aristocratic family. Usually takes place around the 1910s Victorian era and has women wearing bonnets, horses and buggies. It is usually shown on TCM or Lifetime and it thinks it has some historical value to it, but it more of another movie for women to rise their estrogen when they are having PMS. It's a movie that guys are sometimes dragged to when they are on a date.

Gone With The Wind is the classic example of a bonnet movie

by Kyle 230 October 4, 2010

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

A crappy presidential candidate that will be as destructive as Obama and Bush combined, even worst. Sarah Palin wants ethics reforms, which means we will be stuck in the dark ages of the afraid of getting nuked by Russians early 1950s with conservative values. We will be taught exclusively creationism and the Sun revolved around the Earth and Latin should be taught in schools. Any modern Rennaissance, industrial, and technological revolution thing will be scrapped. She will also probably censor the shit out of the TV and the internet, so sites such as Urban Dictionary will not exist because of it's immoral sexual va

She will drill for oil...good, but it might not give a right for these annoying varmits to live, but it might make the gas prices down to 89 cents a gallon. Nice. With her major belief in religion, she will think that the Russians are trying to merge with Iran and that crap and we need some more troops, which is wasteful spending on blowing up shit when you feel like it. She will think Solomons temple willl have the be rebuilt and we will be screwed.

Sarah Palin will bring us back to church owned government of the dark ages.

by Kyle 230 January 19, 2010

25πŸ‘ 186πŸ‘Ž


1.A person who loves technology and IT/gamer culture. Loves computers, internet, anime, video games, dance/electronica music, autotune, anything that is on G4TV. Uses myspace/facebook more than just keeping up with their friends. Usually non-conformists because they are spending their money on cool gadgets than clothes and makeup.
2. A person who is an IT professional or is in a computer science or IT major in college.

1.Bob is a techie. He has the latest gadgets and he knows how to fix and program them too.
2. You better have the techie fix my computer.

by Kyle 230 July 25, 2009

18πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Just the old school MySpace all over again. All the freaks just moved to Facebook. Even Tom is watching (Mark Zuckerberg claims he runs the site, but for all practical purposes it is Tom) you on Facebook and he probably has more Facebook friends than MySpace friends. Back then, MySpace used to be the "bad" site and Facebook was the "good" site. Then it flipped all over. Right now on Facebook you just see a bunch of annoying 14 -18 year old emo/gangsta girls whining about how their life sucks and whoring themselve to get more likes, because they want people to pay attention to them. It is also cool to be bisexual on there too and to be Engaged to your best friend and have your brothas your actual brothas. And don't forget these pedophiles on there that claim you are your parents so they can stalk and rape these 14-18 year old emo girls. They think they are using it for "work connections" but they are more being pedophiles.

Facebook turning into MySpace every day.

by Kyle 230 August 16, 2010

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

myspace music

The best way to listen to an album for free without paying a penny.

Also, a great way to find some obscure band that nobody has heard of, but who cares about that part.

I never bought a CD in ages, thanks to myspace music.

by Kyle 230 August 12, 2009

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