Source Code

Hot Search Box

A annoying spyware program that creates pop ups which reinstall the program.

Duh... I want to search for viagra...

by Kyle White May 25, 2004

cut corners

Do something the easy way.

He had to do the dishes, but he cut corers and stuck everything in the drying rack.

by Kyle White May 31, 2004

1👍 1👎


The year Bart Simpson's fight agenda has an opening.

Sorry, my fight agenda's booked up until 2004.-Bart Simpson,Bart Simpson's Guide to Life, published in 1993.

by Kyle White December 29, 2004

380👍 177👎

christmas tree

a pine tree that you put in your house on christmas hovering between life and death until your brats open their presents and you throw the tree out. You then find pine needles all over the house for 6 months.

I always buy a cheap (christmas) tree.

by Kyle White December 29, 2004

143👍 91👎

gone too far

When you make a porn home video.

Oh, God! He's gone too far!

by Kyle White November 7, 2004

16👍 17👎