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A cool chill person with a cool personality and is a very nice person will help you with your problems. He easily falls in love with people easily but also easily gets heartbroken and falls in love wit he the wrong people. He will always make u laugh and will also make u smile. He wants a good future for his family with a good job and a good house. He is loyal in everyway. He will joke around a lot just to make u laugh. He will choose his friends side no matter what righ or wrong. He is a amazing person to hang out with. You can talk to obaida and he will make everything better and put a smile on your face. A lot of girls like him but he will always dout himself trying to make himself better

I just talked to obaida and he put a smile on my face for the rest of the day

by Kyn rip me November 29, 2018

10👍 2👎