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A baby is a small being in process of growth
Since the baby is not fully conscious yet, it can not remember anything throughout half it's childhood
A baby can also react at random times, leaving it crying
A baby is also an annoying piece of shit that you want to throw out a window whenever you hear it cry

"I'm pregnant with my first baby."
"Your baby is ugly."
"Fat bitch baby."

by Kyothejasperlover July 7, 2021


Daniellover666 is a term for describing how loveable you are of a certain person.

"I really love daniellover666!"
"I want daniellover666 to be in my arms tonight."
"I wish me and daniellover666 could be close to each other right now..."

by Kyothejasperlover July 7, 2021


1. A term to describe homosexuals, usually used as a slur.

2. A bundle of sticks.

Homosexuality: Non-men liking non-men = Lesbian
Non-women liking non-women = Gay/MLM
Liking people for their personality = Pansexual
Lack of sexual representation =Asexual
Lack of romantic representation = Aromantic

There are many others, but I can not list them all. If you wish to learn more about your sexuality and/or gender, I recommend looking for more definitions or going to a wiki.

"Dude, are you a faggot? Me too!"
"Faggots are good people."
"Don't say faggot dumb bitch! You aren't a homosexual."

by Kyothejasperlover July 7, 2021