in the way; over-expressed, redundant, large, sporatic, random.
Look at these OBTRUSE columns blocking my walking route!
37π 45π
a variation if the word bitch; "byotch" is regularly said on the movie mean girls. it's a way to insult slutty girls that take your boyfriends, walk around thinking they're cool, or have decieved one of there friends in a mean way.
oh my god! what a byotch!
she is such a byotch
fucking byotch
225π 58π
To not care; to not give a shit.
That girl just took off with your guy.
I don't BAR, he was lousy in bed anyway.
5π 13π
snuggling in which 3 or more people crowd into a warm space and nap
(not usually sexual)
when we got back from the concert, we were so tired that we layed on the couch and kittened
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a wannabe swimmer with dark hair and eyes and nose plugs
yatty the batty with his hatty
25π 40π
a person with litte or no common sense; a lesser form of a human being; someone with a "turd" as a brain
You never know what you're talking about, turdbrain.
14π 2π
Basically having a wank in your mind..usually over someone sexy...(but doesn't have to be)...just taking the time to picture them in their sexiness.
Can be done by either gender...woo!
*Warning* May be accompanied by Homer Simpson-like drool noises
E.G 1.)
In HMV watching man perving over a poster of Avril Lavigne
Laura:Look at him having a mind wank over Avril
E.G 2.)
Liz and Laura(me)sitting down in Rackhams waiting for Laura C(not me) to try on some clothes
Laura:*insert name* is so fit isn't he?
Liz: Oh,I know yea! he would so get it!
Laura: He's just so gorgeous...I think i need a mind wank now!
Liz: Me too!
Laura: Half naked Kylie on that T.V is putting me off..Dammit!!
Liz: You still having your mind wank?
Laura: Trying to.....Why?
Liz: Because i need a tissue!
*The above examples are purely fictional,as Laura and Liz are not this sad and do more interesting stuff in their free time*
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