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In Roseville, California, the Acronym SPL (Safeway Parking Lot)has come to represent the mecca of Rosevilles teen activity on any given night. Most popluated on tuesdays (dollar scoop night) the Safeway Parking Lot is, sadly, the "hang out spot" of a cities extremly bored youth. Many "gangsters" frequent the lot, and can be seen flashing souped up cars of all sorts (most of their cars feature "sweet" underglow...) Although it is a running joke that going to the SPL is super lame, its existence as the "cool place to go" is perpetuated by the small towns lack of worthwhile activities.

"Hey guys, I'm so freaking bored. You wanna go hang at SPL? I hear that's where all the homies go."

by LC309 October 26, 2006

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