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When a male cadet at West Point has had sex with a female cadet (referred to as a 'Trou'), he has earned his T-Wings (similar to eating a female out while she is on her period and earning one's 'Red Wings.' This concept of 'wings' is even more applicable at military academies, where cadets that attend Air Assault School or Airborne School earn their Air Assault or Airborne Wings, respectively). These T-Wings are looked at as both a positive and a negative achievement, depending on each individual cadet's belief.
There are several levels of decoration for the unofficial T-Wing award. The higher the number of trous a cadet has had intercourse with, the higher the decoration.
1 trou = T-Wings
3 trou = T-Wings with star
5 trou = T-Wings with star and wreath
10 trou= GOLD T-Wings with star and wreath

Cadet Schmuck: "Hey, did you bang that trou that lives on the first floor?"
Cadet Joe: "Yeah, it was great. I was so afraid we would get double-knocked for having her door closed during AMI."
Cadet Schmuck: "You're crazy, man. Congratulations on earning your T-Wings... Wear 'em with pride, haha!"

by LDR 'O CHRCTR October 19, 2011

26👍 7👎