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Hawaiian Pidgeon Talk for friend.

Orgin: 60's Hawaii

in kauai my cousin started it! ha!

"Tanks Brah"

by LEC2 May 7, 2003

990πŸ‘ 605πŸ‘Ž


A Marijuana that is rolled with cigarette paper BUT DONE RIDICULOUSLY HUGE.

Person1:Check this Spliff out man!!!
Person2:Oh yeah! look at mine!
Person1:wait... I wasn't done.
Person2:Holllllly SHIT!!!

by LEC2 May 14, 2003

7πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Sexual Intercourse.

the less aggressive word of FUCK.

"Did you doink her yet?"

by LEC2 May 14, 2003

492πŸ‘ 361πŸ‘Ž


Garci Y Vega - a brand of cigars used to smoke marajuana. California version of the phillyblunt

"I got a Vega and you don't got one!".

by LEC2 February 10, 2003

128πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


Slang Term To mean "Money".

Orgin: Everywhere - as old as welfare started.

where in wellfare. people get free Money and Govt. Cheese. Real cheese handed out for food for people in the poverty line.

Cheese comes from the term "Government Cheese" but in slang its refer to the "MONEY". cuz thats what you both get at the welfare line. but it is used to mean "Money" for anything.

this is an old slang. alot of old movies uses it.

"I lost my job. I need to find somewhere new to get my cheese".

by LEC2 February 9, 2003

2740πŸ‘ 1012πŸ‘Ž

Cuban Necktie

A person who had their neck slit and tounge pulled back inward down the throat and out of the slit hole... which then hangs down like a necktie.

Orgin: Cuba. and anywhere that is corrupt.

some thirdworld gorilla warfare tactic terrorism jungle shit to tell people or the govt, that they are not playing around.

You notice Mr. Rodriquez's stich across his throat? he was a survivor of a cuban necktie attempt.

by LEC2 March 6, 2003

55πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


a person addicted to marijuana.

Orgin: bayarea late 80's

a Pothead.

I never invite that tweeker cuz hes always high and just sits around and not getting involved.

by LEC2 March 6, 2003

9πŸ‘ 255πŸ‘Ž