Slight/Faint foul stench or flavor. There Are many ways to use this word you can use twangy, twang, twangin' but all in all its just a way to say it stinks a little bit. you can exaggerate the twanginess based on how foul the scent or flavor
"How old is this food, It got a little Twang to it"or when was the last time you showered you got a lil twang goin on '"
You smell that?, Smell what
Slight/Faint foul stench or flavor. There Are many ways to use this word you can use twangy, twang, twangin' but all in all its just a way to say it stinks a little bit. you can exaggerate the twanginess based on how foul the scent or flavor
"How old is this food, It got a little Twang to it"or when was the last time you showered you got a lil twang goin on '"
You smell that?, Smell what