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1.the act of calling out someones name and hiding or turning your head, in order to produce a comical reaction by the person being sniped as they look all around for who called their name

John: MIKE!*turns head*
Mike: Who was calling me... what?
Chris: That was a killer snipe!

by LK842 April 11, 2009

16👍 23👎


the act of removing all the contents of someones bag(usually a school bag), turning the bag inside out, and placing all the books back inside before zipping it up.

1.Mike: Not again, who snugged my bag this time?
John: Relax, snugging is a joke, man.
2. Teacher: I'm sick of all the guys snugging eachother during class. The next person that does it gets a detention!

by LK842 April 11, 2009

12👍 19👎