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Anum is a girl who is really pretty, cute, cool, and funny. She is not very tall. Everyone likes her and wants to be friends with her. She could be anyone's bestfriend. A boy would definitely die on her looks and behavior, mostly guys whose name starts with an A would be interested in her. She behaves very well with people and treats them well and never takes anyone for granted. She pays attention to her favorite people and loves them and cares about them.

Look! It's Anum, I really want to be her friend.

I wish I was dating Anum, She is so pretty and just the girl I want but seems like she is interested in Arnav, he's so lucky.

by LOCO<3 February 7, 2023


Daksh is a word mostly used for indian boys. Daksh means sexiest and hottest of all and all the girls will be dying on them. Daksh is a very good person and values friendships and special relationships. Everyone likes him. Mostly guys with this name fall for girls named Aishwarya, Aishani, Ashwani, Ashwika etc. If a Daksh is crushing on or dating a girl named Aishani, he is the luckiest guy alive. Aishani defines beauty, gorgeousness and is a very good, kind and good person. She values her loved ones and most of the time girls named Aishani fall in love with guys named Daksh. So, you could be lucky if you are a Daksh.

Look at Daksh, he's so handsome.

by LOCO<3 February 4, 2023


Kiaan is a very handsome guy and a sweetie. He does not have a very good physique but is an amazing person by nature and a person you can trust. He's loved by his friends. Most Girls are mostly not interested in him because of his figure but by nature, he is loved by everyone. Sometimes, he thinks that no one likes him, but there is always a special person in his life who supports him a lot. Probably she is a girl whose name starts with A and ends with and she is one of his good friends' crush. His girlfriend will be very lucky to have him. If you are best friends with a Kiaan or dating a Kiaan, consider yourself very lucky.

Oh, look, its Kiaan. He's so sweet.
Its hard to get a friend like Kiaan. He's so caring.

by LOCO<3 February 7, 2023