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nervous in the service

acting extremely anxious and nervous for a prolongued period before an extremely important event. Mostly applied to sexual intercourse, when becoming nervous in the service can lead to premature ejaculation, no ejaculation, and/ or death.

Did John tell you about his sexual encounter?

No, how did it go?

Let's just say he got a little bit nervous in the service.

by LaChad June 2, 2007

47👍 19👎

Rancho Santa Margarita

A planned community which does not deserve the title "city". Legally it may be a city, but most recognize it as a suburb of Mission Viejo. Also known as "RSM" by its local starbucks-sipping tweenie bopper population.

"You're from Rancho Santa Margarita? Gee I bet that's not a planned community."

-Will Ferrell while taking a call on KROQ, a Southern California radio station

by LaChad December 7, 2007

24👍 45👎

candle in the wind

Obviously, it's someone who has no one to cling to when the rain sets in.

Marilyn Monroe.... That bitch was a real candle in the wind. She was later found in the nude.

by LaChad March 26, 2008

49👍 21👎