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bitch what

1. a reaction to a statement in which you highly disagree with; ususually occurs between 2 nappy headed hoes. i.e. sista niggas.

2.pronounced "biiitch whuuuut?". verbal form of dappin off.

1. SISTA 1.I fucked yo man!
SISTA 2: Bitch what?!!

2. Nigga1: I fucked all dem hos.
Nigga 2: Biiiitch whuuuut?

by Lacey G. March 14, 2009

66👍 16👎

nigga tint

aluminun foil, usually scotch taped on a niggas windows in da hood.

Look at dem windows across the street rockin dat nigga tint.

by Lacey G. March 14, 2009

10👍 3👎