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Pronounced U-burbanite, from suburbanite.

Students of a large university, or residents of the surrounding area, whose lives (whether or not they like it) are impacted by the U on a daily basis.

Inspired by the University of Minnesota's annoying habit of using the capital letter "U" whenever possible, up to the point of subsituting it for the word "you" whenever possible. This author is sure that other universities have a similar tendancies, but she has not experienced them.

The Uburbanites are up in arms about the new stadium proposal.

The Uburbanites mobbed the University's office, demanding the return of the word "you."

by Lady Chevalier May 24, 2005

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

awesome possum

Interjection. Similar to: alrighty, awesome, schweet, coolz.

Mild & amiable in tone. Used in affirmation, agreement, or as a pleased reaction to something.

Often used as a reply to the word "awesome."

Brad: Want to go into the creepy haunted house with me?
Janet. Sure.
Brad: Awesome.
Janet: Awesome possum.

by Lady Chevalier June 6, 2005

279πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


To have utterly clobbered your opponent at a game of chess.

From pwn, the misspelling and playful misuse of.

Ugh... The computer just pawnz0rd me again. Back to solitaire it is.

by Lady Chevalier July 29, 2005

95πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


1. A bold color, a cross between yellow and red.
2. A spherical citrus fruit of this color.

1. of or relating to the color orange
2. of or relating to the flavor of the orange fruit.

1. A word you'll never see at the end of a line of a rhyming poem.
2. Punchline of a grade school knock-knock joke.

The plural form is "oranges," which is also a sweet poem about a first date by the author Gary Soto.

Orange soda doesn't taste like oranges, but at least it's the right color.

...Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

by Lady Chevalier April 9, 2004

773πŸ‘ 339πŸ‘Ž

Your Mom Goes To Collage

An insult regarding the artistic ability of a person's female parent, especially in regards to the cutting-up and re-gluing of pictures from magazines.

Found especially among students of Graphic or Interior Design, as no one else cares (or knows) about the artistic abilities of their mother.

This insult is perhaps a parody of misspelling/mispronunciation of Kip Dynamite's crushing yet witty line your mom goes to college.

Graphic Design Student: You wouldn't know an "Interior" if it were labled--in chartreuse!
Interior Design Student: Oh, yeah? You call *that* "graphic design"? I made better collages than that when I was three!
Graphic Design Student: Your mom goes to collage.
Interior Design Student: *runs away crying*

by Lady Chevalier July 5, 2005

57πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


1. A drinking vessel, typically used for fancy occasions, and consisting of not only the cup part, but also a base and a narrow stem.

2. A young goblin.

"There is no hope," Gandalf said grimly. "I fear the goblets have taken Bilbo. We must flee this place."

by Lady Chevalier August 23, 2005

20πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


1. Abilities.

Often, "skillz" or "5k1LLz."

Used to announce profiency in something; for example, 13375P34K. "leetspeak"

"ph34r |\/|41 1337 5K1LLz!"

Translation: "Marvel at my wonderful abilities."

by Lady Chevalier August 2, 2003

200πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž