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The most versatile word in the English language, or in fact any language!

Can mean whatever you want it to mean, but the most popular uses are:
1. An exclamation akin to 'ouch' or 'uh oh..'
2. Filling in the blanks where other (rude) words would go.
3. A greeting! I personally say meep instead of Hello...
4. A random expression of happiness used to fill gaps in conversation.

Meep is the best word ever! Meep!

1. "HEY GET BACK HERE!!!" "Meep!" 0.0
2. "Ahh.. Meeping Hell!" >.<
3. "Meep." ^.^
4. "....meep...." ^__^

by Lady Meep December 31, 2004

3890👍 936👎

Hot Topic

A store which we should have in England too because damnit I need spongebob socks...

People say a lot of stuff about 'punks' and 'posers' but for fucks sake a store is a store and anyone who buys their entire wardrobe in one place is an idiot anyway.

"I got a new shirt from Hot Topic."
"Uh.. so?"
"It's a nice shirt!"

by Lady Meep December 29, 2004

35👍 15👎