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My bestestttt frienddd who is one of da most understandingg pppz i kno, shes sooooo sweeet and always tries her best to make sure im happpy n i luv her for dat. me n gagz share so many jokez n get on so welll, hope we're best friendz for life gagz...and u priya. luv u bothhhh loads mwahzzz tc xxx

lol one of da most funnniest things about her is, u shudntttt fite with her. she gets violent lolll and to make fingz worse wen she wants to hit u back she'l grab ur most delicate areassss lollll hint hint.

by Lady Sovereign April 11, 2005

72👍 89👎


da most caringgg girl i kno, shes ma bestest mate n has alwayz been there for me. we do the craziest stuff together and have so many jokez. only problem is shes realllly reallly overly clever.. but still, luv u priya ur da best lol xx.

ermmmm.. heres a warning to anyone who knows her --> never trip up in front of her and fall on da ground, becoz insted of helping u up n makin u feel less embarassed, she'l point at u n do her hysterical cackle so everyone turns around and laughs at u aswell.

by Lady Sovereign April 8, 2005

99👍 56👎