A common but unofficial motto of the US Navy. Semper Fortis is of latin origin and actually translates 2 ways; "Always Powerful" and Always Courageous".
I saw an incorrect translation of a term my father held dear to his heart; much like a marine would hold "Semper Fidelis" close to theirs, so im correcting it in hopes of spreading knowledge. My father was a Navy Corps man in Vietnam. Was a POW for 19 months "unofficially". Get facts & research BEFORE posting publicly people! ð
"Semper Fortis 'til our dying breath! Corps man Up, Doc!"
116👍 15👎
A common but unofficial motto of the US Navy. Semper Fortis actually translates 2 ways; "Always Powerful" and Always Courageous".
I saw an incorrect translation of a term my father held dear to his heart; much like a marine would hold "Semper Fidelis" close to theirs, so im correcting it in hopes of spreading knowledge. My father was a Navy Corps man in Vietnam. Was a POW for 19 months "unofficially". Get facts & research BEFORE posting publicly people! ð
"Semper Fortis 'til our dying breath! Corps man Up, Doc!"
31👍 11👎