Source Code

Modern Warfare 2

MW2 is a great game overall. you can play with up to TWO PEOPLE on Spec Ops, and dont even get me started about the online! Its great! You can kill people, get killed, and until recently, you could go suicide bombing! But wait, theres more! If you want to, you can search on Domination, Ground War, or Free For All and find all loads of glitched matches! Oh yeah, give me some Unlimited time, with some Unlimited points on the side, and a mix of Unlimited Ammo and Spawn Kills for the drink, please! jesus christ, whens IW gunna patch this shit..

L33t player: Hey man wanna play some Modern Warfare 2 later?

N00b player: Okay man, maybe we can do headshots!

l33t: No one ever does headshots, its gay

Hours later

L33t player: Thats it man im out

n00b: why man this is fun

l33t: These matches go on forever and you end up getting spawn killed, this isnt fun

n00b: thats just because your not the one who rocks!

l33t: says the one whos 1 and 5839 right now..

by LamalTehCamal December 20, 2009

44👍 67👎