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Roger Price (creator of MadLibs) in his 1970 classic, "The Roob Revolution" created the term 'roob' to denote the so-called Silent Majority of his time. They are still with us today, as evidenced by the political 'career' of Sarah Palin et al.

The roobs are immediately identifiable not only by their uneducated mangling of our language (I will refer you to his book and Paul Fussell's immortal treatise "Class" for more detail) but their inability to see cause and effect of their own toxic behavior.

It may also be referred to with the plural roobs and the collective noun roobdom.

Obviously, it is derived from the derogatory urban slang of yesteryear, rube which was short for reuben, referring to an undereducated rural person (e.g., "Reuben Reuben I've Been Thinking").

A synonym: bubs, as in 'the bubs', a depiction of the Elmer Fudd like qualities of the modern rube.

If you live in the U.S., just look around you; they are everywhere. They are in some ways the American version of Orwell's 'proles.'

Here are some examples of RoobSpeak from Mr. Price:

Dropping the 'g' on present participles (think Bush's speechifyin');

Misuse of the word 'penultimate' to mean 'ultimate';

the infallible mark of the roob, according to Price, is the pronunciation of the word "interesting" as "inna-ress-ing"

with the stress on the third syllable.

by Lamb Cannon July 14, 2009

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