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Jack and Jill

A type of partnered dance competition popular in swing dance where the leaders and followers are matched randomly.

"You were awesome in that Jack and Jill."
"Thanks. I've never danced with that follow before, so I was a little worried at first, but our styles actually synced up pretty well."

by Lamdba November 2, 2011

17👍 7👎

American democratic socialism

What the rest of the world calls social democracy. Much like American football, we’ve created our own definition. After years of political scientists cringing at misuse of the word, people are throwing their hands up, and accepting that in the US, socialism means something completely different than it does literally anywhere else.

Person 1: I thought socialists wanted to “seize the means of production.”
Person 2: Bernie advocates American democratic socialism. He doesn’t want any of that.

by Lamdba March 3, 2020

14👍 17👎

full gable

A dip combined with a long, passionate kiss - as immortalized by Clark Gable in "Gone with the Wind".

Girl: So how was the wedding?
Guy: ...entertaining. When the pastor said "You may kiss the bride," he surprised her with a full gable.
Girl: Aww, that's romantic!
Guy: It was, until he ripped her $3000 wedding dress. He's lucky; the doctor says he only has a few minor fractures.

by Lamdba July 18, 2012