A blonde womans pubic hair. Shaved in the shape of a triangle. Only gorgeous, young women can yeild a golden triangle. It's a highly sought after prize. Known to have magical properties.
She's driving a new Lexus? She must have a golden triangle. Perfectly manicured.
73👍 42👎
He's the uncle who constantly cracks jokes. While trying to lure nephews and neices into his van. For secret rides...
That uncle sure is funny. But he won't let go of my daughter. It seems kinda odd...
168👍 58👎
A girls tattoo. Across her lower back or hip area. New boyfriends hate them and can't peel them off.
She's pretty hot.. But she has a big Fruit Sticker goin on.
The Triangle is a womans pubic hair. Shaved in the shape of a triangle. It's mysterious and seductive. Many good single men have become confused and lost in the triangle.
I haven't seen him for months. He has a new girlfriend. I think he's lost in The Triangle...
Sorry I'm late. I was stuck in the triangle.
22👍 9👎