Someone who has no clue how to play cards, especially poker. They usually rear their stupid heads at the Blackjack tables.
So I was in Vegas playing blackjack. I got dealt a pair of Kings. The dealer had a five showing. This cardtard next to me took a hit and got a facecard. The dealer drew a 6 and I lost $100 bucks. WTF?
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A person who enters internet chatrooms with the intent to gain the group's trust and then pick a fight. The internet commando is usually a male 30-something who lives in his parent's basement.
I was playing poker on line last night and some Internet Commando got in on the chat and told me he'd pull my bottom lip over my head.
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Stands for: Obsessive Compulsive Texting Disorder
A psychological disorder characterized by the inability to put down one's cell phone or Blackberry to stop texting for more than two seconds in order to carry on a conversation. Victim's of this affliction are virtually oblivious to the fact that their behavior is rude and insulting.
Jesus, Tom you came in my office to talk to me about something and you can't leave that stupid cell phone alone. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have OCTD or something?
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To lather one's ball sack with peanut butter before placing it in an unsuspecting victim's mouth.
Greg, I'll drink that shot of Wild Turkey, if you can promise me that Tom won't roth me when I'm passed out later.
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Like a crank shot, a clam shot is a photo of a female's junk, usually sent via text message by a randy whore who you probably just met.
I texted Tina to see what she was doing and next thing you know she sends me a clam shot. Looked like chopped liver. Needless to say, I went right over to her house.
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Visible pubic hair from an unkempt bush that protrudes from a woman's bikini bottom. It is most often spotted at the beach or at poolside.
European beaches are full of hot women, but oftentimes they are sporting beach spiders. That can ruin the whole experience.
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Just about any male from New Jersey. His main topics of conversation are: How many chicks he's banged this summer while weekending at the Jersey Shore, his workout routine, his spray-on tan, or when he's going to see Bon Jovi or Springsteen next. His favorite phrases are: "Yo!" and "Hey, what's up kid?"
Look at that meathead over there with the gallon of gel in his hair and no shirt on. Ten bucks he's a Jersey Douche Bag.
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