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Diapers for adults.

"Did you hear about Fred? He has to wear adulties to bed!"

"We have to go to the store to pick up some adulties for my dad."

by Lasagna_Cat November 12, 2016


Giving birth to a baby on Valentine's Day,

My son Patrick is a birthentine.

by Lasagna_Cat November 24, 2016

1👍 1👎

Lasagna Cat

A cat that is half cat and half lasagna. Usually organs made out of lasagna.

I bought a Lasagna Cat today, it is a really unique type of cat!

by Lasagna_Cat November 12, 2016

6👍 3👎


A really fantastic girl who is nice to a lot of people! She is beautiful, caring, and knows how to make people happy. Ashleey is the greatest friend anyone could ask for!

Did you see Ashleey today? She sat by someone who everyone was making fun of and was a friend to them!

by Lasagna_Cat November 12, 2016

17👍 3👎