Italians are only the people who live in Italy. Others are American, Argentinian,Brasilian etc..
Most of the definitions of Italians is given by Italian Americans here who don't know a flying fuck of Italy and most of them have not either 1\4 of italian ancestry. Infact , when i've been in Usa for holyday, there were a lot of Indians and middle easterns claiming they were from Italy and many dumb angloes believed that.
The olive skin or the all year tan, the wavy brown or black hair, and the brown eyes are things most Italian american have because they are not real Italians but mostly mutts as many americans are.
Italians from ITALY in winter are pale, unless they don't use artifcial tan, they don't give a fuck about John Gotty, Guidos and fettuccine Alfredo, all part of a Usa subculture, they don't eat the crap Italian american eat, they don't grease their hair, and everyone has not at all dark hair and brown eyes but even blonde and blue eyes.
What i mean is that you have to forget what Italian americans say about here, probably because many are not even 1\10 italians, never set foot in Italy and the wannabe wish to be Italians and depict us as they like most.
Btw many retards here would realize that Italians and Italians americans are 2 different things once in Italy. Unfortunately many Italians americans ruined the image of Italy all over the world, and not only them, even the idiot wannabes who claim to be Italians but aren't.
To the english guy above you can suck my balls you fucking rotten theet smelly engaylish. You are overhelmed by Pakistanis, you should worry about them you slimey retard.
italyitaliansreal italians are in italy not in UsarenaissanceIf a guy that looks like Paulie DJ tells he is italian don't believe him, he's a fake italian just like Snooki who is chilean
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