pronounced ga-rij
A refrigerator that resides in a garage or barage
I've got a keg of pale ale tapped in my garidge
The tofurkey is thawing in the garidge.
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pronounced ga-rij
A refrigerator that resides in a garage or barage
I've got a keg of pale ale tapped in my garidge
The tofurkey is thawing in the garidge.
1👍 4👎
pronounced ga-rij
A refrigerator that resides in a garage or barage
I've got a keg of pale ale tapped in my garidge
The tofurkey is thawing in the garidge.
1👍 5👎
A refrigerator that resides in a garage or barage
I've got a keg of pale ale tapped in my garidge
Honey, would you please get the tofurkey from the garidge?
Verb. To grab or otherwise manipulate something with prehensile toes.
A useful application for monkey toes.
Her arms loaded with groceries, Sue slipped out of her sandal and munkled the keys from the doormat up to her hand.
Hey, could you munkle that remote to me?
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Verb. - The act of removing an object from or exiting a vehicle. Similar in origin to vehiculate. Akin to defenestrate.
The shifty parking lot attendant had a bad habit of devehiculating items that didn't belong to him.
The indignant cab driver ordered her passengers to devehiculate immediately.
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1. To exit the front passenger seat of a vehicle.
2. To be denied access to the front passenger seat of a vehicle.
1. She unshotgunned from her boyfriend's late 80's Camaro and strutted across the red-e-mart parking lot to buy a pack of menthols.
2. "You spilled coffee on my cloth bucket seats, I hereby unshotgun you permanently. Get in the back!"
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