Meridith is mistaken for no other kind. The woman that has to âiâsâ in her name rather than âeâ the common spelling. She is a stranger to no one. The radiance that omits Meridith is stronger than that of anyone in her life. Her Ora is so contagious! She might be a red head, her favorite color may be purple. She loves bows she loves quirky things sheâs different. The most unique person you can ever meet. Never let Meridith go. She is a diamond in a sea of crystals. She is a dragon next to snakes. She is defiant and her presence is ever healing.
âMeridith is indescribableâ
âDid you see meridithâ?
âYes! How could I miss the beautiful red head?!â
A Ridiculously entertaining site for random people to give an opinion on something completely irrelevant.
Urban Dictionary is accurate and a modest place for children to study and search vocabulary words.