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superseded twelvie

Anyone 16 years or older that acts the same way as a twelve, like dresses slutty, pretends to do adult shit when she really doesn't do shit. Basically a twelvie that never got over themselves

Bro 1: Man she's soo hot, look at all of the shit she does! I wander what she's like in bed ;)
Bro 2: Bruh, she's just a superseded twelvie, she's an overgrown slutty twelve year old..
Bro 1: That's so shit man, hate them.

by LawdJeebus July 11, 2014

Basement Breeder

Term for a (typically) male man that lives at home with his parents, and is generally at least 30, who lives like a rat and is fat and smells like shit, and is a huge keyboard warrior

Basement Breeder: (le troll troll troll)
You: Wow you're such a fucking Basement Breeder!

by LawdJeebus October 31, 2014