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Minister of Sneers

Someone who is so sarcastic they forget the original point they were trying to make. A Minister of Sneers will spout such acidic verbiage that they often burn themselves in the process. A person who holds this position enjoys the process of cutting people (or things) down to a level above normal sarcasm. Often confused with an Office Monkey.

Our cubicle Minister of Sneers made so much fun of my new car I was embarrassed and returned it to the dealership.

The Minister of Sneers made fun of the Republican candidate, but then fell silent when the Democratic nominee took the same position.

by Lawrence Triptathane January 31, 2008

Twisty clown

A real badass evil clown from American Horror Story. He was unfortunately killed before his time. However, an army of new Twisty clown's has returned this year to visit us on Halloween.

There is a Twisty clown hanging on the back of the bus, and I swear those are real scars on his neck.

by Lawrence Triptathane October 30, 2016