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A full-fledged society woman.

Who does she think she is? Besides a beautiful big shot sassiety pigeon with a coupla zillion bucks?

by Laz January 9, 2005

8👍 5👎


When you forget everything, except how much things cost and who owes you money.

Sorry, my father’s Jewmentia is playing up. He forgot your name but he remembers you owe him $5 from 12 years ago.

by Laz April 18, 2019


The act of a person of another race speaking with an accent they believe blacks speak with.

The way Justin Timberlake speaks when he’s not on “Punked”

See also Christina Aguilera and Pink

by Laz January 29, 2004

106👍 44👎


Similar to OMG (Oh My God), a difference in semantics (or typo), makes AMG similar to Ah My God, or Ah Mah Gah.

AMG, I r teh 1337!!!one!!!eleven!!one!11!

by Laz November 16, 2004

572👍 272👎