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That dino meme.

lyrics: yee.
has over 60m views on youtube.


yee good memes are delivered

by Lazyburrito7 ( xbox username ) June 20, 2020

yo momma

Yo momma-

used as a cool slang or a comeback when you don't know what to say. Or you can endlessly troll people.

Yo momma so fat, she went to kfc and said "can I have the one on the roof?"

Jonas: Hey Zach, what do you wanna do tonight?

Zach: yo momma

Jonas: stop

Zach: if you don't shut up ill do you instead
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

also you can do this:

Issac: yo momma so thicc she can't fit in you'r closet so she can hide when shes a lesbian.

by Lazyburrito7 ( xbox username ) June 20, 2020