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You waste 7 hours of your day at school to learn crap that probably won't help you when your older. I get up at 5:30 every morning and school starts at freaking 7:20. When you come home it still doesn't end... Nope, THE TEACHERS ARE HUNGRY FOR MORE. They pile up a hella bunch of homework that they expect it to be done the next day. The torture follows us all the way home. It effects the amount of time I get to sleep, which makes me more and more exhausted as the days go by until I finally reach the weekend. And the less sleep you get and the more exhausted you get, the worse your grades get. How do the teachers expect you to get a 4.0 GPA when you can barley keep your eyes open in class. IT'S THE F TEACHERS' FAULTS BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE TO GIVE US THE HOURS AND HOURS OF HOMEWORK FOR NO REASON... I congratulate you if you made it through this whole paragraph 🎉

I have a project, a 5 page essay, book work, and some worksheets for homework tonight that are all due tomorrow... fml

by Lazytownnn February 26, 2017

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