Source Code


Gregory Rasputin

Died:December 31, 1916
Cause of Death: multiple causes

Gregory Rasputin was an Eastern Orthodox monk from Siberia. He was unwashed, unclean, and unshaven. Rasputin was a carousing womaniser and monk with a 13 inch schlong. He developed close ties to the czar and his family and heeled czarovich Alexi's heamophila. His sexual appitite aroused all the women close to the czar but alienated all the czars relatives. One of the relatives prince Felix, conspired to kill Rasputin on December 31, 1916, New Year's Eve for being a bad influence on the Czar during World War I. He and other conspiritors poisioned all of Rasputin's food and wine with cyanide. One of the conspiritors dressed like a gypsy woman for the party. Rasputin swallowed enough poison to kill four horses. He was shot several times, stabbed, strangled, assaulted, castrated, and he was drowned in the Neva river in St. Petersburg. Three days later Rasputin was dead. Rasputin's murder was a death sentence for Czar Nicholas II and his family. Czar Nicholas II and his family was shot and murdered in 1918 in a Red Russian occupied middle class home.


Theory of Rasputin's life span: I beleve that the reason why Rasputin survived murder attempt arter murder attempt was that he had a bio-chemical in his system that kept him alive.

by Le Mans July 18, 2005

205πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


A whacky character from excel saga. He married kumi-kumi and became the father of Poemi Watanabe.

Nabeshin looks plenty like Lupin the 3rd.

K-Kun: Now Nabeshin is dead. Now there is no one on this planet to stop this operaton!

by Le Mans June 30, 2005

37πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

player pimp

A middle class pimp. He makes as much as George W. Bush ,a corperate exectutive, or airline pilot(i.e. $50,000 to $200,000 a year) He also has 5 to 10 hookers working for him.

My nextdoor neighbour is a player pimp and he make 200 grand a year.

by Le Mans July 8, 2005

25πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Reno 911

The stupidest police show on comedy central. It is like COPS but it all takes place in Reno County. All the police officers in the Reno County Sheriff's department are either racist, or sexist to one another.

Officer Garcia: I beleve that there are two types of Muslims; first there is the regular Muslim, the terrorist Muslim, and there is the Black muslim, the recist Muslim.

The Reno 911 episode where Reinesha Williams converts to Islam and tries to changes everyone in the Reno county sheriff's department

by Le Mans June 21, 2005

54πŸ‘ 254πŸ‘Ž

Pump Kin

To commit incest on Halloween. It came from a Jerry Springer show episode.

Man in the audience: Hey I got a question for Joey; What do you to celibrate Halloween pump-kin?

by Le Mans June 21, 2005

49πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Puni Puni Poemi

An anime so crazy that it need's ritalin. It is about a girl, Poemi Watanabe, A.K.A. Kobayashi a 10-year old girl with severe ADHD. Her girlfriend is Futaba Aasu. Futaba is Poemi's lesbian lover. Futaba also has seven sisters; ranging from preschool to near 30 years old. Poemi is also in love with an octipus named K-Kun

- Poemi Watanabe has the same behaviours as Lil' Jon but on a more severe level

= Her girlfriend Futaba Aasu has six other sisters

1. Hitomi 3
2. Mutsuki 15
3. Shii 18
4. Mitsuaru 22
5. Itsue 25
6. Nanase 28

by Le Mans June 20, 2005

30πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A secret organization on Totally Spies. It is led by Jerry. He gives Clover, Sam,& Alex complicated missions and high tech gaggets.

Whoop is like the CIA and ACROSS.
Jerry is like Lord Ilpalazzo

by Le Mans July 12, 2005

29πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž