Source Code

rip m8

The art of attacking a player in a secretive/sneaky-like within a video game.

Ex: Player 1: *sneaks upon an enemy*

Enemy: *Opens inventory*

Player 1: *Sneak attacks the enemy with a katana killing the player*
Chat: Coolboy1919: LOL GOTEM

MrPenisNutter: lel Shrekktt

Mainmaid:Rip m8


Player 1: *sneaks upon an enemy*
Enemy: *Opens inventory*
Player 1: *Sneak attacks the enemy with a katana killing the player*
Chat: Coolboy1919: LOL GOTEM

MrPenisNutter: lel Shrekktt

Mainmaid:Rip m8


by Le Qutie March 22, 2017